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Welcome To

An Innovative Long Term Care Facility in Edmonton, AB

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Welcome to Venta Care Centre. Where Wellness Begins.

Venta Care Centre is a long-term care facility situated in a residential neighborhood in northwest Edmonton. Our centre consists of 148 private and semi-private beds in a comfortable, home-like environment.

We are an innovative facility providing exceptional quality continuing care service, and accommodations to the community since 1953.

Our goal is to provide person-centered care and service in partnership with our residents and their family members.

Venta Care Centre’s 70th Anniversary

venta care garden and sitting area

Our Mission, Vision and Values

Our mission is, and always has been, to provide family-focused care with respect and dignity. We are committed to working with residents and their families in the planning and delivery of quality, individualized care.

Our vision is to provide an innovative, holistic, responsive long term care services in partnership with residents and families. This collaborative and holistic approach recognizes the importance residents and families are to the care team.

Our values are who we are and exemplified in our Venta name. We strive for and are:

  • Visionary: Integrating creative and innovative ideas into work-based routines.
  • Excellence: Providing care with evidence-based practices.
  • Nurturing: Fostering healthy relationships between residents and families.
  • Transparency: Providing timely communication with integrity.
  • Accountability: Maintaining responsibility and answering to one’s own actions.

Everything You Need Is Right Here

Venta Care Centre provides services for people with complex unpredictable medical needs requiring 24-hour on site Registered Nurse assessment and/ or treatment. In addition, other professional services are provided by:

  • Licensed Practical Nurses
  • Nurse Practitioner
  • Health Care Aides
  • Attending Physicians
  • Pharmacist
  • Registered Dietitian
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Recreation Therapist
  • Social Worker
  • Dentist and Dental Hygienist/ Assistant
  • Canada Mobile X-Ray Services
  • Diagnostic and Laboratory Services
  • Other Consultative Services – Palliative Care, Respiratory Therapy, Enterostomal Therapy, etc.

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Venta Care Centre

13525 102 St NW
Edmonton, AB T5E 4K3



Hours of Operation
Open 24/7

13525 102 St NW, Edmonton, AB T5E 4K3, Canada