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To our Residents and Family Members

Venta Care Centre thanks you all for your continued support and collaboration during this facility outbreak.

As of today, Venta Care Centre has a total of and two (2) COVID positive Residents and six (6) active COVID-19 positive staff members, and 24 have recovered and returned to work.

We continue to remain fully staffed on each unit and all families and Residents on the affected units have been notified. Venta continues to take all appropriate precautions and measures to mitigate potential spread and keep your loved one safe. This includes close monitoring of Residents for signs or symptoms, using appropriate PPE correctly, hand hygiene practices, high touch surface cleaning, and screening staff and visitors daily.

In collaboration with our Residents and families, limiting visitation to essential visitors only will remain in place. Virtual visitation options are open for all (7) days a week. Please contact the Recreation Department at 780-377-4412 or email to schedule a day and time.

We are receiving ongoing clinical guidance through Alberta Health, Alberta Health Services, and our Medical Director.

Please continue to use discretion when calling the nursing units as our team continues to provide quality care to your loved ones.

We are committed to full transparency and will keep you informed of any changes.

Dr. Peter Birzgalis
CEO Venta Care Centre