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To our Residents and Family Members

Venta Care Centre would like to thank you for your continued support and patience.
On March 3, 2022, the Medical Officer of Health declared Venta Care Centre on a unit Outbreak.

At this time (letter sent) Venta Care Centre has 3 staff members that have tested positive for COVID-19.

Residents and staff on the affected unit will be COVID swabbed today, families of those who have positive results will be notified.

The CDC believes the COVID spread was from the community.

The management team will provide updates to families if any results are positive. If you are not contacted your loved one is not affected. Please do not call the nursing at this time to inquire as our team is working diligently to keep all Residents safe.

Please note that we are not short staffed, however; an outbreak does require the entire Venta team to implement additional measures for safety requirements.

Additionally, out of an abundance of caution all group activities with be on hold.

We highly encourage all on-site visitation to be postponed (except essential visits) with the option for virtual visitations.

Family members who still wish to enter will be granted and be required to:

  • Sign waiver understanding potential risk.
  • Follow all PPE and hand hygiene practices

With the exception of the affected unit where we are only allowing one visitor per Resident at a time.

We thank you for your collaboration and support during these times

Dr. Peter Birzgalis
CEO Venta Care Centre